support services are the extra hand you need, when you need it

With 3|SHARE Support Services, we quickly resolve bugs, handle maintenance/enhancement tasks, and effectively monitor your systems so your team can focus on customers and developing the next big features on your roadmap.

How do Support Services work?

You access the support portal and enter a ticket. We get back to you with a time and effort estimate. You approve the work. We develop. It is that simple!

Support Service Flow


What are the benefits of support services?


Adobe badges

Adobe Expertise

When it comes to Adobe Experience Cloud, we are experts, and we have the credentials to prove it. Not only is 3|SHARE an Adobe Platinum Solutions Partner, we also have Adobe certified development offerings and most recently have been awarded the "Content Supply Chain Ready" qualification.

Crystal ball

Stay ahead of issues

With consistent system monitoring, a team of developers focused on staying up to speed on new features available for your tech stack, and knowledge about best practices, you can predict and remediate issues before they occur.


Stable Cost

When it comes to software development, understanding cost and being able to plan for it is critical. Even when you don't know what bugs will crop up month to month, you can still be sure about what the cost of fixing them is.


"You" Time

Remove the phrase "I don't have time" from your vocabulary. With us focused on the small issues and enhancement requests you're always getting interrupted by, you get time to focus on the work that gets you to your next goal.

What's included in Support Services?

We offer two levels of service, basic and premium. Monthly support hours vary by service level. Some of our service features are listed below:

  • Ticketing dashboard to file new tickets and monitor existing ones
  • Annual system review with an outcome that includes a full look at system indicators like performance, security, capacity and overall health
  • Regular technical documentation updates 
  • Code deployment support 
  • And more...

You can download our information sheet to find out more details about this offering and all of the expanded features of our Premium service.