Your creative team's process and delivery capabilities deserve a tool as cohesive as they are

If you're new to Adobe Workfront or simply want to improve your implementation and address process issues, engaging with 3|SHARE is the next step.

Depending on the project, the creative delivery process can range from simple to complex. From an asset update to a full redesign, Adobe Workfront can handle each step starting with the creative brief and ending with the storage and distribution of assets from a centralized digital asset management (DAM) system.


Stop wasting time trying to understand the status of an asset, figuring out who is responsible for approvals or where requests should be submitted.



multiple mailboxes representing multiple creative request channels

Centralized Requests

No more searching an Inbox, checking chats or referring to meeting minutes. Create one or more custom forms for creative briefs that are submitted to Workfront.

multiple postits on a wall representing prioritization decisions

Set Priorities

Within Workfront, prioritize projects and their related tasks so that all team members are aware of what should be worked on first creating efficiency.

traffic jam representing feedback loops

clear feedback pathways

No more wondering who the approver is or being blocked by endless feedback loops. In Workfront, approvers are assigned and feedback is delivered in the tool. If someone is away on holiday, they can assign a proxy so nothing is missed.

multiple hands representing collaboration

team collaboration

From a quick restart to code fix, when systems are down, the 3|SHARE team dedicated to managing your infrastructure will determine what is needed to get things moving again. We also support scheduled code deployments.

storage units representing the need for centralized storage

One Asset Manager

Having one system of record for your assets will ensure that the wrong messaging or branding doesn't surface and save time for people looking for assets. Move approved assets from your workflow into your DAM and share!

changing seasons representing change management

Change Management

When your processes change, Workfront forms and workflows can be adjusted to support new creative brief requirements, approval processes, and content distribution methods where the team is used to working.

What can you do with Workfront?

All of your creative work-streams and processes can flow through Adobe Workfront giving you one place to manage everything. Some examples:

  • Marketing campaign asset creation
  • Product launch assets
  • Photo shoot management

For example, manage all of your creative briefs using custom forms in Workfront. As part of our blog series on its capabilities, we shared how they work. View the video below. You can watch all of our Workfront videos here.



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Creative process Issues and Workfront 

Over a series of five blogs, 3|SHARE's experts have covered some of the top creative process issues and how working with a great partner (like us) and Adobe Workfront can help reduce the friction they cause. Explore the articles:

Top Ten Creative Process Issues

Creative Briefs and Project Requests

Project and Task Prioritization

Feedback Loops

Digital File Management